Using PVC for an Above Ground Pool

by Mark
(Slidell LA)

I want to use PVC instead of the flexible tubing that came with the filter and pump. Is there any thing I should be aware of when doing this?

The return jet fits in the inside diameter of 2" PVC. Is this how I want it to fit or do I want to have the PVC on the outside of the piping?

Also what would I use to seal this, silicone, PVC glue, something else?


Hi Mark.

Most above ground pool filters are compatible with 1 1/2 inch PVC pipe. The threaded fittings usually take 1 1/2 inch male adapters and the pipe is glued into them with PVC glue. The threaded fittings should be treated with pipe dope and Teflon tape, not glue.

For above ground pools I also recommend using PVC Flex Pipe because it is so much easier to use. It also gives as the walls of your pools move due to splashing on the inside. The walls flex just a little and the flex pipe will move with it, where the rigid pipe will not.

Flexible PVC will last ten years or longer so you are really not sacrificing any quality by using it.

I don't recommend doing as you are suggesting and gluing a PVC pipe over a hose adapter. The hose adapter should be threaded into something so ideally you want to replace the hose adapter with a PVC male adapter.

Doughboy is one of the only systems where the hose adapter is a part of the skimmer and return. Doughboy makes a hard plumb adapter kit for converting to PVC. It amounts to a rubber sleeve with two different size openings and two hose clamps. One end goes over the hose adapter and get clamped in place, the PVC pipe fits in the other end and also gets a clamp.

Comments for Using PVC for an Above Ground Pool

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Jun 08, 2010
flexible pvc hose
by: Anonymous

Hi, My husband has to move our filter to the other side of the pool. He bought flexible pvc hose, but it isn't fitting properly. Our original filter hose was 1 1/2" and so is the flex pvc but it is bigger and doesn't fit well and he tried clamping it but still not tightening.

Does he need special clamps or any other pieces to make this work. He got the 30 ft flex pvc instead of the gray filter hoses because he was told it was better instead of connecting a bunch of 8 ft hoses. please help!

thanks, Melissa

Hi Melissa. Flexible pvc pipe is not meant to fit over your hose adapters the way your pool hose does. I have seen it used over some of the bigger filter hose fittings but that's not the way it should be used. All you hose adapters should be replaced with 1 1/2" pvc male adapters. They have male threads on one end and a female slip fitting on the other. The flex pipe then gets glued into the slip side of the adapter using pvc glue.

Nov 23, 2011
hard plumbed AGP with DoughBoy adaptors
by: Anonymous

The Doughboy adaptors, which are clamped onto the filter, loosen and pop off causing water to gush out...can they be glued on?

Hi. That might help. I would change the filter fittings first. A good quality ribbed fitting should hold just fine. That might be your problem.

Jan 25, 2012
Plumbing San Leandro
by: Plumbing San Leandro

Very nice blog that provides new things for me. Your blog provided us beneficial information to work on.

Glad you find it useful.

May 24, 2019
pump to filter hose
by: bob

Why cant I use the braided rubber pump to filter hose on all my hose connections? This hose has lasted 15 years and all the other hoses last a year if I'm lucky.

Aug 02, 2021
Never use pipe dope on PVC
by: Anonymous

Never ever ever use pipe dope on PVC it breaks down the material faster.

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