Vertical Supports Bent

Above Ground Pool Vertical Support

Above Ground Pool Vertical Support

Over the winter I had a couple of the vertical supports bend a little bit. Should I just try to bend them back into place or should I look to replace them?

Is it possible to replace a vertical support with the pool full or would I need to drain it? Thanks for the help.


The uprights can be easily straightened with a pair of pliers. It would be easier to do if you remove the top plate first. The upright can then be straightened and the top plate reinstalled.

It is possible to remove the upright with the pool full of water but in your case you should not need to.

From looking at the photo it appears the wall is bent at the top, thus causing the uprights to bent. You may need to release the liner a little and straighten the wall. This will probably need to be done for the upright to fit correctly after it is straight.

Keeping the pool as full of water as possible during the winter months may prevent this from happening again.

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Mar 27, 2012
Vertical Supports
by: Tami

We have an Outback above ground pool we purchase in July 2002. It is 27 ft round. This spring the north side of the pool wall blew out and it bent 5 of our vertical supports and 5 of our top rails.

We have the metal walls to replace the bad walls but we need the supports.

Do you know where we could buy the supports and top rails only?

Thank you

May 03, 2012
vertical supports for pool
by: Anonymous

We have the same problem . We are also trying to find replacement parts. did you find somewhere to purchase them?

May 03, 2012
Vertical Supports
by: Anonymous

I ended up bending mine back to almost original shape. So I didn't need to buy any. But I thought I had seen them available in pool magazines like "In The Swim and such. Also, my local pool supply store had replacement parts available. Namco, might have them also, if you have one near you. Doing an internet search for you specific pool manufacturer might be a good way to locate parts also.

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