Vinyl Liners

Online Above Ground Pool Liners

Every year I take in a few used above ground pools for the purpose of reselling.  The first thing I do is go online and order a new vinyl liner.  I never sell a pool with a used liner nor do I ever install used liners.  Buying new pool liners online is so inexpensive it is just not worth the trouble of using used ones.

I prefer the 20 mil plain blue ones.  They are the least expensive and if something happens and you need to replace it in a year or two you have not just spent a ton on the fanciest print liner in the store.  Print liners have become very popular though.  Every year they come out with many new patterns and designs.  Plain blue or print is the choice you will have to make.

unpack swimming pool vinyl liner
It is also important when ordering a replacement pool liner that you get the right type.  There are overlap liners, beaded liners and v-bead liners.  There are some out there that can do all three.  An overlap liner uses plastic coping and stabilizer rods to hold it in place.  A beaded liner hooks into a bead receiver that hangs over the wall and is is accessed from inside the pool without removing the top rails.  The v-bead hooks directly onto the top of the wall and is secured with stabilizer rods.

installing a vinyl liner
Use extreme care when unpacking and installing your new liner.  They can tear or rip very easily.  Open the liner on a grass area or on clean, smooth concrete.  If you are installing an overlap liner as shown in the photo be sure that there are no sharp edges on any of the top rails or caps.  Use plenty of duck tape to make sure there are no rough edges.

deepend vinyl liner installation
Remember that once your pool liner is installed and the pool filled up you should never drain the pool and let is sit empty.  This will ruin your new liner very quickly.  Above ground pool liners can be drained down to about a foot and then refilled without damage.  This can be done as many times as you need to.  This is especially true with expandable liners.  Once a liner has been stretched into a deep end you should never drain it.

Visit this page for liner replacement tips and this one if you are wondering what to do about the liner overhang.  It would probably be helpful for you to read our liner installation tips before installing your new liner.

Above Ground Pool Liner Installation

Expandable Liner Installation

Beaded Liner Installation


Vinyl Pool Liner

24 Ft. Round Overlap Swimming Pool Liner- 25 Gauge (Waterfall) (#ad)


More About this Liner

The liner above is a Swimline and sells for around $180.00 at Amazon. It is a very decent replacement liner. It may not be the same quality as your original liner or it may be better, chances are it is about the same. It is easily a five year liner, with proper care even longer. A 25 gauge liner is equivalent to a 20 mil witch is probably what came with your pool originally.

Swimline liners come in all sizes, color patterns and bead types. Finding the right one for your pool should be easy.

What Others Have Said

The Swimline liner reviews I read are very typical of the comments my customers have made over the years, and keep in mind I have installed thousands of them.

Here are a few regarding the price

The pool installers were SHOCKED when I told them what we paid for this quality liner!

Good fit and quality. Much cheaper than the local pool store.

This liner was very good quality for the price and looks awesome after installed. I was very impressed with how nicely the liner stretched when the water was added. I would recommend this liner to anyone looking for one.

You can take a couple of things away from this next review. All prorated liner warranties are about the same, after a few years it is just as cost effective to go online and order a new one, that's just the way it is. The second take away from it is he got 4 years out of his first Swimline liner. It was a 20 gauge, so for that liner he did just fine. He is now going to a thicker liner and should do even better.

Heavy 25 guage liner which meets specifications replacing existing 20 guage Swimline liner which failed after 4 years.......warranty by Swimline is very limited, so suggest not even bothering with that aspect. New liner ended-up a cheaper purchase on Amazon than if we pursued the warranty aspects.

The next three negative reviews pertain to liner thickness and holes in the liner. Keep in mind, a 25 gauge liner is equal to a 20 mil liner, if these folks were expecting a 25mil liner then they got fooled. But there is no way a 25 gauge liner is thin, it is the same quality liner I have been installing for 45 years. Could they have received a 20 gauge instead of a 25 gauge? Anything is possible. As for the holes, most holes are caused during installation, I seldom see them come out of the box that way. There was a comment about the box being damaged during shipping and that caused holes, that one I believe.

Liner is not the gauge, they post. It's thinner. I guess you get what you pay for.

Very thin and had to replace it 1 year later. Awful product.

I was very disappointed when we got the pool liner in the pool and there was a hole already in it! It was completely installed and we had started putting water in it before we noticed it. The price was good, if only the liner wasn't damaged.

I chuckle at the next comment since I install these liners by myself a lot of the time

This was a replacement liner for our pool. Does require many people to replace but as to be expected. Love the 25 year warranty.

Can you expect between 5-10 years out of this liner? Yes you can. You could also pay a lot more money and buy a Doughboy brand that will last you 10-15 years. The choice is yours. I prefer the fresh look of a new liner every five years or so, they do fade, get chemical stains and some sun rotting around the top, and since I do the labor myself there is no cost there. The less expensive liner is fine for me. Because of labor costs and other reasons some people want that 15 years, if so this liner is not for you.


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