Wall Out of Pool Track

by Marianne
(Alliston Ontario Canada)

We had a pool company set up a used pool we bought. There were a number of issues but finally it was done and filled. Three weeks later we noticed that the pool has come off the bottom track in 2 places. Should we be concerned. This company has not set up too many above ground pools before and I wasn't told until afterwards.

Hi Marianne

It is something to be concerned about and to watch closely. Sometimes the fix is as easy as wedging a screw driver under the bottom rail to raise it back over the wall and then packing dirt under it.

What you really need to watch out for is the cove inside the pool. If the cove starts to disappear you could be in trouble. That would be the time to start draining the pool.

The first thing I would do is have the installer come back and look at it. See if he can work out a safe and easy fix.

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Pool Walls out of Bottom Track

by Laura Mae
(Decaturville, Tn)

I have an 18 x 33 above ground pool. It has been here for years, but I noticed that on one side the pool walls are out of the bottom track. I am planning on replacing the liner in a week or so and am hoping that I can fix this. It looks like the ground has just settled, maybe from the leaky liner?

The tracks are caked with dirt, but if I drain the pool and clean them out and maybe rebuild under the tracks do you think it will be a problem getting it back where it is supposed to be? I am putting in the foam pool cove this time do you think that will help?

Any ideas and advice would be appreciated, I have been worrying about this for a couple months now..


Hi Laura

Once the pool is empty and the old liner out you should have no problem making the repairs. Working on a dry pool is pretty easy.

The pool cove might help some, just make sure the pool is level and that you have a solid foundation under all the bottom rails before installing the foam.

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