Wall Bulging at Bottom Track

by Lamont Cranston

Bulging Pool Sidewall

Bulging Pool Sidewall

My 27' round above ground pool was installed yesterday. Today I have noticed that the steel wall is bulging outward at the extreme bottom right near the track.

This is only happening on 1 section between supports. The other portions of the wall are fine.

The water level is 1" difference from one side of the pool to the other.

Is this bulging a problem for the wall?

Is there any way to fix this without compromising the integrity of the final installation?

If leaving this, will it get worse and shorten the life of the pool.

Hi Lamont. It's probably not a major problem but it is one I would fix. The wall bulging like the photo shows is usually due to the track being slightly higher than it should be in the section. Lowering it just a tad would probably take care of it. This can be done by scraping a little dirt out from under it with a screwdriver. You can do this with the pool full of water and do just a little at a time. As the track lowers the wall should pop back into shape on it's own.

Comments for Wall Bulging at Bottom Track

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Aug 02, 2011
Similar Problem
by: rjmmj

I have the same problem (bulge) but under a column pad. How can I fix this problem and will this weaken the integrity of the pool. It is full of water. Thanks rjmmj123@juno.com

Hi. This happens when the post a little high. I would try working the post a little lower, if possible, if not, it will probably be OK to leave the way it is.

May 16, 2012
Same Problem
by: Jim Fox

Just filled my 27'X54" pool. Now see a buldge just like the one in the photo. Just above the track. I'm going to get the install guy back out and hope he can repair it by lowing the track a little. The comments here give me hope cause I was freaking out thinking I may have to drain the 23000 gallons of water out !!!!!

Thanks for this page.

Jim Fox

Jun 20, 2019
Bulging and columns are out of line
by: Susie

We just had an 18X33’ pool installed. It looked perfect at first, but as it began to fill we noticed some things. One was the bulging in one section near the bottom track. Second, several columns are not entirely straight. They are crooked. We have contacted the installer and I hope he is able to fix this without having to drain the pool.

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