by Roger
We have an 18 x 33 oval pool. The wall buckled this winter and there is a nice size crinkle at the bottom right near one corner and a few small holes and rips also. Can this wall be saved and if not can it be replaced and where. I'm not sure of the brand, it was given to us years ago. Thanks for any help, Roger
Hi Roger
Most above ground pool sidewalls can be flattened out and repaired. More detailed information about sidewall repair can be found on this page.
Finding parts for your pool is going to be difficult without knowing the make and model. Sidewalls are cut to slightly different lengths so just because you get an 18 x 33 wall does not mean it will fit your pool.
Hopefully your sidewall can be repaired but if you are going to look into replacement parts these pages may be helpful.
If the wall is very rusty repairing it could be risky. If it is not just keep in mind that the pressure is greatest near the bottom of the pool so any patching you do should be much larger than the hole.
To repair the damage in the photo above I would take the pool down and lay the wall out flat on some concrete. I would hammer the wall flat and re-install it. I would then insert some 12" flashing into the bottom rail, inside the pool. The top edge would get taped to cover any sharp edges and the metal would act to reinforce the pool wall.
Creased Pool Wall
Our 33 ft round pool collapsed over the winter and the wall now has creases. Can this wall safely and successfully be reused? If so are there any tips or precautions to take.
If it were mine I would reuse it. The best way to fix it is to completely remove it, lay it out flat, and remove all the creases. You might be able to do a decent job with it still in the pool, but removing it is better.
by Heidi
(Southern NY State)
27' x 52
I hope you can help with this. After the rough winter (NY) we found our pool with a torn liner and a bulging type ring around most of the pool. Only 4 sections do not have this "ring".
It was thought that the ring was from the pool leaking due to the liner, and the giant ice ring inside the pool resting on the sand coving.
After everything melted, we used a rubber hammer & a board to smooth out the ring, removing each upright and repairing behind it as we went. Pool wall is still in the track & I rebuilt all the coving just below the ring. It looked okay enough to refill when we were done.
We installed a new liner which actually came out great thanks to your instructions on that, here on the website.
But, when the pool was filled, the ring came back. Any ideas on what's going on or how to fix it???
I am including a picture, I have more I could send if you would like.
Thanks in advance for any advise!
Hi Heidi
My guess is the wall has become weakened due to the ice and will never be the same again. You will have to decide if it is damaged to the point of being dangerous or if it looks like it will hold water OK.
One fix is to mound plenty of dirt around the outside of the pool to support the lower wall. If that section were somewhat under ground it would never cause a problem. Chances are pretty good that with just a little bit of outside support the wall will last as long as the rest of the pool.
by Angela
We had a liner replaced yesterday in our pool and the guys used sheet metal, duct taped to the existing wall to repair a hole. Now the pool is half way full of water and bowing out where the sheet metal is. Can't get a hold of the installer and unsure what to do.
Hi Angela
It sounds like you need to lower the water level down to below the patch. That would be a good start.
I am assuming they put the patch on the inside of the pool wall, at least that would be the only place that makes sense. So the problem is the metal used for the patch is too thin or not big enough.
What needs to be done is the liner released in that area so you can get behind it and replace the patch with something thicker and probably bigger.
As long as the wall is not badly rusted a patch should work just fine. It just has to be done right. After taping the patch in place I also run a couple of pieces of tape up and over the wall, just to be sure the patch does not slip until the pool fills enough so the water pressure holds it in place.
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