by Ted
(Murfreesboro, TN)
Resin Seat Clamp
Anyone know where I can get a resin seat clamp for the Oyster Bay 7000 30x52 round pool. The part is numbered 31063-6. It's supposed to have a 25yr warranty; the pool is less than 5 years old and one seat clamp is broken and another is cracked. Family Leisure in Nashville (formerly Watson's) says it's not under warranty the warranty says sides/tops have 25 yr warranty.
Comments for Wanted Pool Parts
by Kathleen
(Del Haven, NJ)
I have a Patriot Silverado 15x30 pool that I purchased about 5 years ago. It was a floor model. The top connectors (inner and outer) that cover spaces between top rails are cracked and some fell apart completely and top rails are exposed with sharp edges. The place where I purchased the pool does not have any in stock and cannot get them as Patriot Pools is no longer in business..They gave me some other connectors but they don't fit. So I have a pool that I don't want to take down, but without the connectors, I'm afraid that someone may be in danger of getting cut. Is there anywhere or anyone that has this type of connectors?
by Kathleen
(Del Haven, NJ)
I have a Patriot Silverado above ground 15x30 oval pool,over 5 years old. The top connectors are in 2 parts (inner and outer connector). The connectors are made of resin. Over the past few years the connectors are cracking, I guess from sun and chlorine. I went to several pool places and made some phone calls, but have not had any luck in getting them. It seems that Patriot pools are no longer in business. I just need to cover the space between the rails. Maybe the connectors are universal and connectors from another pool manufacturer would be compatible. If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it.
by Wes
(Markesan, WI, USA)
Bottom Rail
I recently inherited an older pool. All is in pretty good shape except for the bottom rail sections. I was able to salvage 2 of them. It appears that I need 10. It is a 15 x 30 with 48 inch rolled wall. I am having a hard time identifying the make/model as well as locating replacement bottom rail sections. the bottom rails are 15/16 wide, 11/16 high and measure 49 1/4 inch long measured on the outside of the curve. They fit in the footplates as the male. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Someone thought it was a Muskin, but the physical measurements of the parts weren't the same. I have enclosed a few pic for help. Thanks to anyone who can help me.
Comments for Looking for Pool I.D. and Bottom Rails
by Phyllis
I own an Intex 24 x 32 metal frame pool. This is our third year. Unfortunately, the bracket that holds the skimmer off the side of the pool broke. We tried super glue, gorilla tape, but it still is not right. I looked on Intex site, but the only one they seem to have are the skimmers that attach to a permanent wall for above ground pools. Is there anywhere I could just purchase the bracket or do I have to purchase the complete skimmer? Please help! Weather is in triple digits --very hot!! Thanks!
by Misty
I have purchased a used USA Industries Sea Isle aluminum pool that is 24' round and 48" deep. I have been searching for replacement bottom railing and bottom plates and been unsuccessful. Curious, if anyone has any info or where to find these parts.
or know of anyone that may????
I will be looking forward to your response, I'm very desperate.
Comments for USA Industries Sea Isle
by Margo
(Keyport, NJ)
Asahi Pool Upright
I have this pool but no paper work. I need to replace the top "railing" that you see is taken off and seen on 3rd picture. I'm not sure how it is called. It is rusted and pieces get into the pool. I have no idea what brand it is. It is 18 round. Any ideas and if so where I can get parts? Thank you so much for you help.
Hi Margo
It is an Asahi Pool, parts can be found at
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