Water Gone From Pool

I had a new liner put in our above ground pool in the fall. We closed the pool for the winter & drain the water off the cover.

We went away over Christmas to find most of the water gone from the pool & the cover sitting way down near the bottom. Where could the water have gone? What can we do to prevent the pool from collapsing? Any thoughts or ideas?


My first guess would be a seam opened up in the liner. That should be easy to find by closely examining the bottom seam. For water to leave a pool that quickly it must have made a mess around the outside, at least a big wet spot. The wet area would indicate the area where the hole is.

When the water is low is the perfect time to get in and find the hole. If it is a puncture, and can be patched, now is the time to do it and then fill the pool up before the liner shrinks. If you find a damaged seam you will want to make arrangements to have the liner replaced.

Most well constructed above ground pools can stand fine without water. Unless the pool is in ground, then the liner should be fixed or changed ASAP.

This page about finding holes in vinyl liners might be helpful also.

Holes in Vinyl Pool

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Jan 14, 2010
Further Clarification
by: Anonymous

Yes - I should have added that the pool is partially in the ground so we can't see any water on the ground. The problem is that there is snow on top of the cover & all around the pool. It's freezing & near impossible to take everything off & look in. I guess I'll just hope the frozen ground keeps it from collapsing & when it melts, then go in & look? I wish I could hire someone to fix it but it is not pool season in the Northeast yet. Thanks.


Waiting till spring is not a bad idea. I would, if there is anyway possible, keep the water level above the ground level. Even if this means sticking a hose in the pool every week or so. If the water is below ground level when the ground begins to thaw, the pool will probably cave in, causing more problems.

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