Wedding Cake steps have become very popular for above ground pools. They look like they would be an ideal way to get out of your above ground pool.
I have installed a couple of sets in the last few years but have never owned one.
I do know from my reading and talking to customers that they have two problems that owners need to overcome before they can really enjoy them.
Here are the suggestions I have heard for adding weight to, and cleaning behind, these molded steps in an above ground pool.
To hold the steps down try using two 50lb. bags of play sand or filter sand. Another idea is to fill milk jugs with concrete. This idea is a little more involved but I like it the best. Get several lengths of 4" PVC pipe, cap one end and fill with sand then cap the other. Use glue when capping the ends, of course, and your short pieces of pipe make great weights.
The water bags used to hold pool covers in place on above ground pools make great sand holders. They are heavy duty and water tight.
Several people have mentioned putting barbell weights into zip lock bags and using them as weights. With all of these ideas, holding your wedding cake steps in place should no longer be a problem.
What about the algae growth behind the steps? Some people tie a floating chlorinator in place under the steps and set it on a low setting. Another suggestion is to drill small holes through the steps to allow for better water circulation.
Learn more about above ground pool steps and the best place to find them here.
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