by Dee
(Salem MO)
I have a 27 foot by 52 inch deep above ground pool, how big of a pump do I need? I do not have anything at all.
Hi Dee.
If I were shopping for a filter system for this size pool I would try to find a two speed pump and a sand filter. A matched system is best, that's where the flow of the water matches the media capacity of the filter.
I like two speed pumps of about 3/4 to 1 1/2 HP. The lower setting is the one you use the most, for regular filtering. It moves the water through the media slower, thus allowing for better cleaning. It also uses much less electricity. The high speed is great for cleaning the pool.
Below are a few pages related to above ground pool filters and keeping your pool clean.
We have a 24' round true 4' above ground pool. We have a Hayward Perflex ec50 filter.
Is this filter the correct one for our size pool or do I need a new one?
Your filter should clean the pool just fine. How long you run the filter each day and how often you clean the elements are far more important than the size of the unit.
The hotter is gets the longer each day you need to run the filter. If you ever have water clarity problems you should run the filter 24/7 until the water is clear.
Anytime you notice the return flow, the water coming back into your pool, slowing down, it's time to clean the filter. Keep the flow strong at all times and you should have no problem keeping the pool clean.
by Annette
(Smithfield, NC)
I have a 33' round above ground pool with one return, but it doesn't do a good job cleaning the pool. A pool company stated that I should change over to a sand filter system.
Should I purchase a sand system and still have one return or just add another return on the other side with the same pump or add a return with another pump?
Hi Annette.
There are so many variables it's impossible to say if you would be better off with a different system or a different return. If you currently have a 1 1/2 HP pump a second return would probably be a big help. That large of pump needs the second opening to operate effectively.
If you do not currently have a sand filter you must have either a cartridge or a DE. Neither are bad systems when properly sized for the pool, and equipped with the right pump. The pump needs to be matched with the cleaning capacity of the media. A large pump pushing water through a small filter is never going to properly clean a pool. Just like a small pump will never push enough water through a huge filter. Everything needs to be matched up.
My pages about filters and pumps should help you with your decision, plus other ideas for keeping you pool clean and inviting.
by Jeff
My pool filter is shot, it was leaking real bad and now it won’t move when I plug it in. The valve on top of the filter is almost froze and the whole thing is just basically old and in need of replacing.
I have found two used filter systems advertised locally and wonder what you think of them. One is a cartridge filter with a 1HP pump and the other is a 1 1/2 HP sand filter. I am replacing a 1 HP sand filter. Which of these pool filters do you think would be best for me?
Hi Jeff.
I will include a few links to pages related to pool filters where you will find more information about the different types of filters and the different pumps.
My preference based on you choices would be the sand filter system. The only thing I would want that it does not have is a two speed pump. I prefer a 3/4 and 1 1/2 on the same unit. The 3/4 HP is all a pool needs to properly circulate the water and operate pool cleaners. I prefer the 1 1/2 HP for vacuuming, back flushing and other filter maintenance.
When a 1 1/2 HP pump is used alone, without a two speed system, a second return should be added. So unless you already have a second return, or are prepared to add one, I would go with the 1 HP filter system.
I like the ease of operation sand filters are known for. And if that is what you are used to you may find cleaning a cartridge out every couple of weeks a real pain. Replacing the cartridges can get expensive also.
by LC
(West Plains, Mo)
We have an Intex metal pole pool that is 54" tall and 24 feet across. We have 6 people that use it every day. Sometimes twice a day.
It has washable filters. We want to switch over to a sand system. Can we use a regular above ground sand filter? Or do we need to upgrade to a larger pump and washable filter. We have a salt system if that makes a difference. We do shock about 2x a week. Water is cloudy. What do you suggest. Thanks
Hi LC.
For the time being I would run the filter more hours during the day. I know people with small filter systems that run them 24/7 and say they do a great job of keeping the pool clean. The hotter it is, and the more a pool gets used, the longer a filter needs to run.
Upgrading to a better filter is always a good consideration. The filters that come with most of those pools are inadequate, in my mind. As for the best one to buy, they would all do a better job than what you have.
My choice would be a sand filter with a 1 HP pump. But there is nothing wrong with cartridge or DE filters, it's just a matter of preference.
Comments for Best Replacement Filter
by Matt
I am considering buying a 30' round pool. Which filter will keep the pool the cleanest. DE,sand or cartridge? Also which of these is the easiest to maintain?
Thanks, Matt
Hi Matt.
You should take some time and read the pages linked below. Basically they will tell you I prefer a sand filter with a two speed pump.
I like the sand filters the best because of how easy they are to use, they are extremely popular for this reason. It's true the other two options clean the dirt down to a smaller size dirt particle, but this is not something that has ever been visible to my eyes. Having used all three models I would buy a sand filter.
I would also use a two speed pump. The low speed, about 3/4 HP is perfect for regular water circulation and is less expensive to operate. The high speed is used only when cleaning the pool making an excellent combination.
Just wondering what sand filter I would need to work for a 33 ft round pool. Right now I have a cartridge filter and it does not get the job done. Any suggestions?
A cartridge filter actually has a finer cleaning capability than a sand filter. It all depends on the size of the pump and the size of the filter element. A large cartridge filter matched with a 2 speed 3/4 to 1 1/2 HP pump would actually make a nice system for a 33 foot pool.
I prefer the two speed pumps but if you go one speed it should be at least a 1 HP. If you go with a 1 1/2 HP you should have two returns to handle the increased flow of water.
A sand filter should hold at least 150 lbs of sand to clean that size pool. Larger capacity is fine also.
DE filters are a little more complicated but they are the best cleaning filters on the market. Again, you just need a system with enough cleaning capacity to match your pool size.
by Christine
(Oakland. NJ)
I have a filter that uses the cartridge, which is great, but opening the filter is almost impossible. I use a rubber mallet to hit the handles on each side to loosen it to turn until I'm able to turn it myself. I have the Hayward xtreme filter. What is another filter I can get for a 12,000 gallon pool?
Hi Christine A sand filter would be easier for you to operate but if you are happy with the cartridge you might try applying a large dose of Aqua Lube to the o-ring and threads. Keeping all the moving parts well lubed should make removal easier.
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