by Summer
(Lexington, NC)
When is it time to change the sand? The pump is not filtering good and I can't get it from that ugly green color.
When is it time to change the sand?
It is recommended the sand in a filter be changed about every five years. This could be your problem or you may just need to run your filter more hours.
My rule is when ever you have water problems you run the filter non-stop until the water is clear. Some pool owners with smaller filters will run them 24/7 during the hotter months of the year.
Shocking the pool every two weeks during the summer helps also. This page has more pool care tips.
by Virginia Overstreet
(Clarksville, TN, USA)
I have a 20ft round, 4ft deep above ground pool and for the last 2 summers I can't seem to keep it clean and clear. I get my water checked weekly and run my filter non-stop but still no clear water.
I'm thinking that my sand filter is too small and can't keep up. How big should my sand filter and pump be for what I'm using?
Hi Virginia.
My preference for filters is a two speed pump, about a 3/4 and 1 1/2 HP connected to a sand filter. While a horse and a half pump is commonly used with a two return system for constant filtering a smaller HP will actually do a better job. The higher HP works better for vacuuming and other maintenance, which is why I prefer a two speed system.
I have written a few pages about filter systems and pool maintenance you might find interesting also.
by Joyce
I recently saw a product advertised as a sand filter cleaner. Do I need this? Does the sand in my filter need any type of maintenance?
Hi Joyce
I have heard of such products but have no idea how well they work. It might improve how the filter works for a while but changing the sand at least every five years is the best maintenance.
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