Wrong Size Liner

by Rebecca Henrichs
(Little Rock, AR)

I have a 24' X 54" Doughboy above ground pool. We are replacing the liner and for whatever reason did not realize that when we purchased the new liner they gave us a 27' X 54" liner.

This is an overlap liner, which is what we needed, but will it work since really only needed the 24' not the 27'?

Hi Rebecca.

Absolutely not, never use the wrong size liner in your pool, you will have nothing but a mess of wrinkles. It should be sent back and the proper size returned to you.

The only thing universal, as in one size fits all, is the wall height. Many liners will fit walls with a 48" and 52" height and some even include a 54". But there is no such thing as a 24' to 27' size that would fit both pools.

If you made the mistake of taking it out of the box before checking the size you may have a problem. Most places will not take them back once they have been unpacked. Always double check the size on the box before removing the liner.

If you are in this situation I still don't recommend using it. Sell it on eBay or Craigs list to get some of your money back but get the right size liner.

Comments for Wrong Size Liner

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Jul 16, 2014
Wrong pool liner ?
by: Robbie

I recently ordered a 27' 52" unibead pool liner and just got home and its a 27' 54" liner that showed up will it still fit or do i have to send it back?


Since it is a unibead liner I would not try to use it unless you can pull it over the wall and install like an overlap. Too much liner could leave you with a mess of wrinkles if you try to use the bead.

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Wrong Pool Liner

by Bonita
(Medway, OH USA)

I've made a terrible mistake. I ordered a 'beaded' liner instead of a J-hook? Is there a way this can be remedied without buying another liner?

Thanks, Mrs. Baker

Hi Mrs. Baker.

If it were me I would use the liner. I would stretch it into place using my usual method, as described in the links below. I would pull the liner over the sidewall and hold it in place with coping strips. The retaining rods you have on your pool now would slip right over the coping, holding it in place.

Coping strips can be bought at anyplace that sells above ground pools, or ordered online.

It would be very easy to turn your beaded liner into an overlap liner, and not have to order a new one.

These pages might help also.

Expandable Liner Installation

Vinyl Liner Replacement

Beaded Liners

Overlap Liners

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Pole Pool

by Pat C

I have a swim n play 21x15 oval deluxe 8000 pole pool with a j-hook liner that needs to be replaced.Do I need to buy a special pole pool liner or can I buy any j-hook liner in my pool size?

Hi Pat

You need a pole pool liner, there is a big difference.

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Jul 05, 2021
wrong size pool liner
by: Anonymous


I bought a 16x32 liner for my 15x30 oval above ground pool liner. Will this work? We tried putting it in, the bottom floor is all wrinkle free but the walls have some wrinkles. Now I'm stuck and don't know how to continue it.

Hi You are stuck and will have to live with it. It is always best to buy a liner that fits your pool.

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Above Ground Liner Issue

by James W
(Portsmouth, VA)

So I have a 24’ round by 52” pool. But made a mistake and purchased a 27’ liner. Now I am stuck with it, I can not return it. Is there any way or advice, I can do to use this liner instead of buying a new one?


Hi James No advice to give.

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Liner Too Small

by Sandy

Liner Too Small

Liner Too Small

We ordered a new 24 x 52 pool this season. our previous lasted 17 years with one liner replacement.

My question is, why can I not get the company to send me the correct liner?

Twice now the liner has arrived labeled as a 24 x 54” unibead liner.

When opened to let it warm up and tried to install. It is found to be 21 x 48. Even on 90 degree days, we are not going to get this thing to stretch 3 more feet! Its impossible. And, when we do attempt to stretch it the wall buckles.

I have sent videos and pictures. I'm being told it is standard for a 21 x 48 to fit a 24x52. it sure wasn't for the last two unibead liners we have done.

Is this correct information, or am I being jerked around? Truly need the proper liner for install.

Hi Sandy No one should ever say a 21' x 48" liner will fit a 24' x 52" pool.

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Buying a Mismatched Liner

by Billy

It's 2021, there's a liner shortage and I need a new liner. It doesn't look like there will be any 27' x 54" unibead liners produced this year. If I add a couple of inches of sand to my pool floor and purchase a 27' x 52" overlap liner, do you think it will work with my pool?

Hi Billy I have installed 52" overlap liners in 54" wall pools many times. You need a hot day and the liner needs to stretch a little.

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Can A 28 ft Liner Be Used On A 27 ft Pool

My 27 ft pool liner is shot. Can I use a 28 foot on it?

Plz lmn.


My question would be why would you want to? 27' pool liners are readily available, why would you want to go with a bigger size? Unless of course, you just happen to have a 28' liner on hand.

It is likely you will be able to get the bottom fairly smooth, but the side will be a mess. The side of your pool will be pretty wrinkled up, but it can be done.

If you already have the liner, and don't care how good it looks, go ahead and use it. You can get a few years out of it and replace with the right size next time.

Comments for Can A 28 ft Liner Be Used On A 27 ft Pool

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Jul 24, 2014
Can a 28 liner be used on a 27 pool
by: Tz

The reason I am looking into finding out if I can use a 28 opposed to a 27 is. I got the pool for free. The liner it came with we thought would be ok. But it's got to many holes. I am newly divorced and got this pool for my kids n again it was free. I can't afford a liner from say namco. I am on a tight budget. I've been searching on Craigslist for an affordable liner. The only affordable one I found is a 28.

My pool is a round 27 n it's hard to find this size. If I could pay full price I would get a 27. This is why I asked if a 28 round would work. Thx


My reply would be the same, if you are paying for a liner buy the right size. 27' has also been a popular size, you should be able to find plenty of them.

Jul 24, 2014
27 28 liner question
by: Tz

I live in connecticut there are not a lot of liners that are round and 27 ft. That are folf over. That I can afford. I found a brand new one and bargained down to $125 but it is 2 hrs away one way. I am going to wait until next year when I can afford the proper liner. Thx for all your info.

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