Above Ground Pool Bottom Rail

by Michele
(Sharon, SC)

How is the pool wall attached to the track? Or is it just pushed down into it?

Right now I am in the process of taking down an 18' round above ground pool so I can take it to my house to put up. I now have the liner down and am down to the last bolt where the wall is connected. I tried to pull up on the wall to see if it would come up and it won't budge.

I guess my next step would be to dig down through the sand to find the track? My Dad is coming over to help me this morning. What do I need to do next? Please help, I am obviously not a professional pool technician! LOL Thanks!

Hi Michele. The only thing holding the wall in the track might be some rust. Before attempting to remove the sidewall both sides need to be cleared down to the track. Dig the sand away from the inside and remove any dirt and rocks from the outside. You need to able to clearly see the bottom rail all the way around.

The uprights should be removed also so they do not fall down and bend the bottom rail as the wall is removed. The wall should be lifted straight up and out of the track. Two hands, or sometimes four hands, pulling up while a foot is holding the track down will get the wall up and out of the track. You should carefully roll the wall up as you remove it from the track.

Removing to much wall at a time, and not rolling it up, will cause it to fall over and become dented and creased.

I would start rolling the wall going away from the skimmer location, leaving that area for last. This makes it easier when you go to reinstall the pool. You will be able to position the openings exactly where you want the filter to be without having to guess.

Be very careful removing the bottom track from the ground. Try not to bend or twist the rail or the connecting plates as you are taking them apart. Be sure to count all of the bottom rails and connecting plates before you leave. It's amazing how easy it is to leave one hiding in the sand only to find it missing days or weeks later.

Comments for Above Ground Pool Bottom Rail

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Jun 16, 2009
Pool wall out of track
by: Anonymous

I just installed a used pool 18ft round, its filled up the liner and everything is good but yesterday when helping my husband build the deck I noticed that a small section of the wall is out of track. The pool actually looks like its bending at the main bottom where it?s not in track. Is this a serious problem that should be taken care of immediately?

Hi. I would consider a pool out of the track a serious problem. You can try inserting a screwdriver under the track and trying to pry it up and over the wall. If this is successful rocks and dirt can be packed under the rail to keep it in place. If this does not work the pool should be drained and fixed.

May 09, 2010
pool tracks
by: Anonymous

I am in need of new bottom tracks. We bought a used pool and everything is in great shape except for a couple bottom tracks.

Hi You might try following a few of the links on this page. AGP Pool Parts

Jun 28, 2010
A Little Insight
by: Anonymous

We have a 24ft round pool. I'm not quite sure about the liner installation. Should we lap the liner over the top ( after taping the sharp edges) as far as we can and then lower the liner into the pool ( before water ) until it touches the ground in the middle and then lower the edges as the water fills the pool. If so how much water needs to be in the pool when we can lower the liner all the way down?

Hi That's how I would do it. The center should be just off the bottom when you start filling. You let the liner down as the water pulls it tight. You want it to be tight enough to pull all the wrinkles out. When the water is just a few inches from the edge you can shut it off and finish the pool.

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