by Greg Julian
I'm installing an 18 x 33 with the straps between the uprights and I'm going to do the L bracket and the cinder block, my question is do I need to do all the uprights or just 1 on the deep end?
Also, do I need to stay 3 feet off the bottom track all the way around the oval part or is the 1' 6" enough, I don’t really understand how the deep end should be laid out. A picture would be nice, I have no problem doing it, just want to do it right. Thanks, Greg
Hi Greg
You need to block beneath the braces that you removed the straps from. This may be one set of braces, two, three or even all of them. It just depends on how big the deep area is going to be. The center of the pool is about where most deep ends stop, but they do not have to, it's up to you.
The distance on the side is for the pressure plates, and that could vary. Pressure plates rest on the brace channels and you need about a foot of stable ground beyond the end of the channel. This could be up to three foot total ledge, it just depends on the pool.
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