I was given an 18 year old Doughboy pool. It is a 24 ft round, 4' deep. It is in excellent condition but needs a replacement liner. I do not plan on making it any deeper than the 4' so I was hoping that you could tell me which liner to purchase.
I really do not want to buy the expensive Doughboy replacement liner. Should we buy a regular 25 guage overlap liner or do we have to purchase the expandable one because it is a Doughboy?
Thanks for your help.
There is no reason to have to by a Doughboy brand liner, or an expandable one for that matter, any 24' overlap liner will work just fine. The Doughboy brand UD liner is my favorite, it is much less expensive than the expandable ones. The Doughboy UD liner will outlast any liner on the market. So if quality is a concern I would pay the extra expense, although much less than the expandable.
The liners sold online are fine but you will not get as many years out of them, that's about the only difference. Keep in mind also that online liners are sold by gauge where Doughboy liners are sold by mil. A 25 gauge liner is about the same as a 20 mil liner.
I personally use the cheaper liners because I have no problem changing a liner every five years or so. The liners are cheap enough, the well water cheap also, the labor is free, the job is easy for me and I like the look of a new liner. People who have to pay labor costs would definitely want a liner that will last as long as possible. When the cost of a new liner, labor, water and chemicals are all added up it can be expensive.
Learn more about liners and where to get them here.
by Andy
(Fall RIver, MA)
I am running into a HUGE issue trying to replace my Doughboy oval pool liner. I went and bought a Doughboy liner for my pool and when trying to install it by putting it into the pool and trying to push out the wrinkles it seems as though there is way too much material. I cannot get out the wrinkles in the sidewalls and not matter how tight I stretch the liner I cannot get them out.
It almost seems like the liner is way too big. I have a 12x24 oval pool.
Would it be better to remove the liner put the top rails back on and let the water stretch it into place? Maybe trim off excess later?
I am ready to scrap the pool at this point i am so aggravated. I cannot take the liner back at this point and I don't want to take a $400 hit. Let me know what you think.
Hi Andy
The only way I would install a Doughboy liner is to stretch it in over the top rails. This will get all the wrinkles out of the bottom and hopefully leave your sides smooth.
Getting the bottom smooth is easy using this method. The sides depend on how the liner fits the pool. If there is too much liner to go around you will be left with wrinkles. If the liner fits snug it will look a lot better. Any wrinkles on the sides should be straight up and down and only if you have extra liner.
The overhang should be folded back into the pool leaving an even two inches on the outside. This gives it a nice look and saves the liner overhang in case you ever need it later.
I have a 28 ft. round above ground Doughboy pool. It currently has a Doughboy E-Z Clip liner that needs replacement.
I'd like to use a different liner but am not sure what kind of beaded replacement liner to buy.
I know I can just use an overlap liner but I am wondering what the beaded liner equivalent is that replaces the Doughboy's E-Z Clip liner. Is it a J-Hook, Unibead or some other bead type?
Thank you for any help you might provide.
I have not personally seen the Doughboy E-Z Clip liner but it does say it comes with a specially designed bead receiver. That would lead me to believe that only a Doughboy brand liner is going to fit into the bead receiver. It might be a universal size, but I doubt it.
You should be able to use any j-hook type liner. These liners would fit directly over the top of the wall and the bead receiver should go back over the top and act as a retaining rod.
I would call someplace like InTheSwim to verify this. They are liner experts and could tell you the best possible replacement for a Doughboy E-Z Clip liner.
Comments for Replace Doughboy E-Z Clip Liner
We have purchased a used Doughboy above ground oval pool and told it was a 15x30, however, after just getting it put up it measures a 16x40.
We are unable to find a liner to fit, all dealers say they have never heard of a 16x40 oval (oblong) pool. What should we do now?
While searching online I ran across a company called the pool center and called , the man said they did offer a 16x40 standard overlap liner that would work as long as we had not dug to make it deeper than standard ex (a 7ft end) or anything. The price is about 460.00. Will this work? Appreciate any advice. Thanks
Doughboy does make a 16' x 40' pool and they also make replacement liners for this size pool. Most manufactures use 15' wide as a standard width for oval pools and that is why 16' wide oval liners are very hard to find. Doughboy used 16' as their standard oval width on their most popular oval sizes. They have a 16' x 24', a 16' x 32' and a 16' x 40'. So it is not surprising you are having trouble finding that size.
The Doughboy UD 20 mil replacement liner is, in my opinion, the best liner made. Before I would buy an off brand I would find a Doughboy dealer and compare prices.
Either from a Doughboy dealer, or from another company, a 16' x 40' liner is what you need and any brand should work just fine.
The photo shows my preferred way of installing overlap liners, especially Doughboy liners.
Be sure to have a look at my liner pages before attempting the installation.
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