by Matt
If I buy an expandable pool liner for a 33' round pool can I install it in a 30' round pool and dig the deep end deeper than 7 feet?
Thanks, Matt
Hi Matt.
I would strongly recommend not doing this. The extra depth you are digging down will not take care of the extra liner you will be left with around the sides of the pool. The side wall area, inside the pool, will be nothing but wrinkles. These wrinkles are hard to keep clean and will cause the liner to rip, or tear, prematurely.
Going down to 7' is not a problem as long as the liner is stretched in on a warm day in full sun. I would, however, buy a liner the correct size for the pool.
My above ground pool is 18' round with a 6 foot deep end and one foot extra in the middle. How big of a liner would I need to buy, 12x48 or 15x48 or another size?
Thank you
You would need to buy an 18' expandable liner. Most liners will fit wall sizes of either 48" or 52" tall and you need an expandable liner to stretch into the deep area.
You can find expandable liners here.
This page will give you a good idea how these liners should be installed.
by Kip
Hello, I love this site! Lots of great info. We are getting a used Lomart 18X36 above ground pool.
I have been looking for a new liner and am interested in setting the pool up with a deep end. Most of what I see for the expandable liners only offer 18X33.
Some go no bigger, others have ones that are much longer than 36'. Is it possible to use a 33'? If not, am I stuck with a single depth pool?
Thanks for your help! Kip
Hi Kip.
It is extremely important to have the correct size liner, so I would go with a flat bottom before I would buy a liner knowing it was the wrong size for my pool.
I was, however, able to find your size liner available in an expandable size at
Hope that helps.
by Dave Adamonis
(Homewood , IL)
Does an expandable liner have more material on the bottom section to allow for a cupped bottom? Or is it the same as a standard liner with longer side walls?
I have a 48" x 27' round above ground pool. For the first 4 feet it is about 42" to the water level and then it slopes to about 53" or 54" at the center.
Do I need an expandable liner for this or would a standard liner do the job?
Hi Dave.
You definitely need an expandable liner. A normal liner will handle a dip of maybe six inches, in most cases. Any more than that and I would use an expandable liner.
An expandable liner will fit a flat bottom pool the same as it does a deep area pool. The liner stretches to fit the area you have created. There should be plenty of wall material to fit a 48 or 52 inch pool. It is the bottom area that stretches, and if no stretch is needed, it lays out on a flat bottom pool the same as a uniform depth liner.
There are also what they call veri-depth liners and these are usually made with a larger bottom section that is made to fit a particular size hole. In this case the hole should be dug exactly how the liner directions show you. An example of this would be a beaded vinyl liner made for a deep end application. The liner needs to be the exact same size as the deep area for the liner to be installed wrinkle free.
Please visit these two pages for more information about expandable liners and stretching liners into an above ground pool.
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