Running Pump During Winter

We have a 24 x 54 round pool. We have winterized it and covered it. How often do we need to run pump during the winter? Or do we need to?


I recommend that you run the pump at least once a week for just a few hours. That is usually all it takes to keep the water crystal clear. It is also good to keep a little chlorine in the pool also.

My method of winter pool maintenance is to operate the filter once a week for a couple of hours. I use the recirculate mode on the filter since all I am trying to do is circulate the water. I usually add about a 1/2 cup of granular chlorine while the filter is running.

If you live in a part of the country where is freezes you will probably want to cap off the skimmer and return and remove the filter system. It will last longer if it is stored out of the weather.

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Pool Filter System

We just had a 24 foot round pool installed. With it being so late in the season we have the pool filled with water to just below the skimmer.

Having well water, we really don't want to fill it up and set up the filter system and cut the skimmer hole and then have to drain it and winterize it. Will it be ok to leave until next year to do the filter and cut in the skimmer hole?


The pool really does need some type of filtration. Even if it is just the filter set up with a couple of hoses going over the wall, it is better than nothing. To keep the water from going stagnant chemicals will need to be added to it. The water should be circulating anytime you are adding any type of chemical to the water. Without the water circulating, you are running the risk of either the water going bad with algae or the chemical burning are staining the liner.

I would think the cost of a little more water now would be a lot less expensive than a new liner in the spring. I would finish filling it.

I do not recommend any winterizing method that does not require the pool to be full of water.

Winterize Your Pool

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Winterize a 24’ Doughboy

by Dennis
(Lincoln, Ne U.S.)

I have recently installed a used 24' doughboy. I have filled to 4-5" below the Skimmer. I haven't installed the Skimmer yet. Should I wait until summer to do this?

Also I was wondering what would be best for floatation device in the pool as I have heard the pillows don't stay inflated. Or do I need to put anything in the pool? Any advice would greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Dennis

Lincoln, Ne


Hi Dennis.

I'm really not sure about leaving the skimmer off. The cold brittle liner coming into contact with the sharp metal of the sidewall might cause a problem, then again, it might not. I have not heard of this being done.

If you do decide to install the skimmer you could block it off and finish filling the pool. I do know that the more water you keep in the pool over the winter the better.

Skimmer Guard

I have not heard of any of the floatation devices leaking air. I know there are several models but could not recommend one over another.

Here are a couple of interesting pages that might help you winterize your pool correctly.

Above Ground Pool Winter Covers

How to Keep Winter Cover on AGP

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