Lomart Pool Directions

by Matt
(Jackson, Mi)

Can you please help me find the instruction manual for an 18 x 36 Lomart above ground pool?

Hi Matt. Parts lists and pool instructions are found in the customer service area of the Lomart website.

Some generic type above ground pool instructions can be found on this page.

Above Ground Pool Directions

Lomart and Doughboy pools have been my personal favorites for nearly 40 years. I have built thousands of them and know them inside and out. Let me know if you have specific questions, I would be happy to help.

Photos help a lot also if possible. Good Luck.

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Lomart Whispering Winds 2 Installaton Instructions

by Andrea
(Newton, Iowa)

We were given a swimming pool and cannot find instructions to install our pool. Do you know where to get instructions. I have checked the Lomart customer service site and it does not give instructions for our pool.

Thank you

Hi Andrea. There are some generic type instructions online that might be of help. Those links can be found on this page.

Above Ground Pool Directions

Here are a few other pages of reading that could probably help a lot if you are attempting your first above ground pool installation.

Above Ground Pool Installation Mistakes

Above Ground Pool Mistakes

Above Ground Swimming Pool Installation

Above Ground Pool Liner Installation

Vinyl Liner Replacement

Above Ground Swimming Pool Installation Tips

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