by Sandy D
(La salle mi)
I have a second hand yard sale 15x30 oval ovation pool with no instructions, I have plenty of rails for the bottom, small and long, not sure where they go. I have 4 beams on the sides and I have 6 other beams for the rest of the sides and the edge. I don't know which rails go where to get my 6 other sides to fit for a 15x30, does any one have instructions they can send me?
Hi Sandy. This page has a couple of links to sites with instructions. There might be more on the web also.
These pages show oval pools being installed, you may get some tips there.
Diamond Star Above Ground Pool
Most oval above ground pools have side bottom rails and end bottom rails. The side ones are usually shorter than the end ones. The number of them should tell you also, there should be enough side ones to go between each side buttress. A few pools, like Doughboy, have transition rails. These go in the corners next to each end buttress. They transition from the side to the end.
On some pools the top retaining rods are the same as the bottom rails. If you are sure you have just bottom rails, and no tops, stand them all up next to each other and determine if you have two lengths, three lengths, or in the case of one pool I know of, four different lengths. If you have two sizes you can divide them in two and put half at each end. The rest should go in between each side brace assembly.
by Clorisa
(Brandenburg, Ky)
Yes, we bought a used 18' x 33' oval pool that was bought from Watson's in Cincinnati 12 years ago. The pool has been in storage for the past 8 years and is in excellent condition. We just need instructions on how to put the pool up. Also, the top rails are made of treated wood. Please help us!
Hi Clorisa. You said the top rails are made of wood which leads me to believe I may not be able to help you a bit, but I will try. This page lists a few sites that have generic type instructions you would be able to download and they might help you some.
These pages about oval pool installations may help also.
by Michael
(IL, United States)
Our oval pool has metal plates instead of track. Only on the braces them selves is there wall track groove.
Hi Michael I have no idea what pool you are building but what you describe is very possible. I have seen above ground oval pools with just a 1' x 1' pressure plate bolted to the braces all down the side. The wall just rested against the plate. I remember another design, very similar, but with notches at each brace post the wall needed to be set into. So yes, it is very possible.
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