Replacement Liner

by Tracey
(Pilot Hill, CA)

Where is the best place to buy a replacement liner online? We recently purchased a used Doughboy, broke it down ourselves, then set it up again ourselves. The original owner did not know any of the specs.

Now, come to find out after setting it up, it's measuring 16' x 28' and does not seem to be a standard replacement size, unless we pay over $700!!! I am happy with after market products, but I'm not getting much help from some of the online customer service people. What if we go bigger? Will that be too terrible?


Hi Tracey.

The 16' x 28' is one of those very rare Doughboy sizes that no one has replacement liners for. The 16' x 24' and the 16' x 32' were the same way some years ago. All the other companies did ovals with widths of 15' and they became the standard sizes.

I did a check with all the online companies I deal with and nobody has one. It is still a Doughboy only size. The good news is this, a 20mil Doughboy UD liner is the best liner money can buy. Unless you have a deep end, this is the liner I would buy. The plain blue Uniform Depth 20 mil liner should cost less than 700. The price paid for this liner is well worth it, I have seen them last up to 15 years or better.

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Pool Liners

by Deb
(Ontario Cananda)

Hi, I'm in Ontario Canada and was thinking of buying a used above ground pool but it needs a new liner. Do you know of any places here that sell liners cheap? I don't want to pay more then 300. thanks

Hi Deb

The best place I know to order liners is In The Swim.

Here are a few pages that might help with the installation of a used above ground pool.

Above Ground Swimming Pool Installation

Buying an Above Ground Pool

Above Ground Pool Mistakes

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Replacing Pool Liner

I need instructions for replacing above ground 24' round 48" pool liner. Can you tell me where to look? Thank you.


Most liners come packaged with instructions for installing them, you may want to look through your paperwork. The links below are to pages on my site that might be a lot of help to you. In fact, you will probably not need instructions after reading these.

But if you do, the last link goes to a page with links to above ground pool installation instructions. Everything you need should be on one of these pages.

Overlap Liners

Beaded Liners

Vinyl Liner Replacement

Above Ground Pool Liner Installation

Beaded Liner Installation

Expandable Liner Installation

Above Ground Pool Directions

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Pool Liner

I live in the northern KY area and I have an above ground pool that needs a new liner. The problem is I don't know how to install one nor do I even know what kind I have in it right now due to the fact that this pool came with our house and we have lived here for approximately 9 yrs. So I am not really sure how old the liner is but I am aware that they don't last very long past 10 yrs.

I am having a very difficult time finding someone that installs AG liners. Mostly everyplace I call only does In-ground. I would appreciate it if someone knows who I could get some help with in the area to possibly come out and give me an estimate.



I will post this and maybe you will get a reply.

You first need to determine if it is an overlap liner or a beaded liner. An overlap liner will have liner showing on the outside of the pool, this can be seen by looking under the top railings of the pool. A beaded liner will hook into a bead receiver on the inside of the pool, this can be seen under the rail from the inside.

overhang on overlap liner

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Sand Under Existing Liner

by Rob Cutti
(Toms River NJ)

I just removed my old liner to replace it. The center of the ground is much lower than the rest of the pool. Can I just use sand to raise that up? The ground is already sand. What is that best technique for leveling the sand?

Hi Rob

Sand is fine for raising an area a couple of inches. Any more than that I would use dirt with sand over it.

I use the back side of a rake to do the first smoothing of the sand. I follow that up with a soft push broom. The broom makes the sand very smooth. The sand can then be watered and packed, and then broomed again just before the liner installation.

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