Sand for Above Ground Pool

by Diane Charland
(Winchendon, Ma)

What type of sand do I use under the liner of my pool, beach sand or a clay sand mix???

Hi Diane. The correct name for the sand to use under an above ground pool is washed mortar sand. This is very similar to masonry sand, sometimes it's the same and sometimes a little less course, which is good.

The little bags of play sand sold at Home Depot have too fine of sand, too much dust and too many rocks. It is best to avoid this type of sand. Mortar sand can usually be found at sand and rock companies, building supply companies and sometimes block companies. Some Home Depots also carry this sand in large burlap bags, I'm not sure the amount but they are large and heavy. Since this sand is used for mixing the mud for most block construction it is pretty easy to find. Washed mortar sand should be wet when you get it. It is much easier to work with this way.

Here are a few more pages regarding different pool bases.

Pool Cove and Foam Pads

Gorilla Pad, Happy Bottom and Foam

Styrofoam For Above Ground Pool

The Best Above Ground Pool Base

Base For Above Ground Pool

Foam Pool Base

Pool Floor Pads

Pool Underlay

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Jun 15, 2015
Missing Sand
by: DonnieB

I had to patch a 1/4/" hole in my above ground pool. The leak seams to be repaired. My problem is that there is some missing sand and I would like to repair this as well. Right at the site of the leak there is probably a cup or two of missing sand. Is there anyway to replace or repair this?

Hi The only way to repair it would be to drain the pool and pull the liner back. Doing this is taking the chance of the liner shrinking so not always the best idea. With an older liner it's just better to live with it until a new liner is needed.

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Sand for an Above Ground Pool

I am putting up a 18'x33' pool and I'm not sure how much sand to get.

Hi. I would use about 5 yards of washed mortar sand. This would equal about eight tons.

How much sand you will actually use depends on if you are using a preformed foam cove and if you are using a ground shield of some type.

A pool I built a few days ago was ordered over the internet and came with coving and a pool pad. This resulted in me using a lot less sand than I would normally use. Most of my pools get installed without the pre-formed cove and with no ground shield.

The photos of the 21' x 43' Oval Pool Installation might help you with your pool. They show just how the sand is placed in the pool and when it is spread out.

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15x26 Oval Pool Installation

by Amber
(Glendale, Az)

My husband and I are having a debate about the ground. I say use sand and he wants to till the ground up and use the dirt? Won't the dirt be too unstable?

Hi Amber. Actually, it's just the opposite, it's the sand that would be to unstable. All leveling should be done with dirt, and then packed solid. The sand is used only inside the pool framework for the purpose of cushioning the liner.

We level and pack the dirt and then set the braces into the ground and pack again. Next the end rails are connected and the some more leveling is done. Next the sand is brought into the pool area and piled in the center. The wall goes up next and the pool framework assembled. When all this is done, the sand gets spread out and smoothed out. Then it's liner time.

installing above ground pool wall

These pages show a few pools being installed.

Diamond Star Installation

Atlantic Above Ground Pool

Above Ground Swimming Pool Installation

Oval Installation

Comments for 15x26 Oval Pool Installation

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Apr 29, 2017
Sand for above ground pool
by: Anonymous

Please help!!! I have been researching extensively as to which type of sand and how much I need for a 16x48 round above ground pool. Anybody have the answer for me??? Thanks

Hi I would suggest about 2 tons.

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