Sears/Muskin Pool Skimmer

by Josh
(Oak Brook IL)

I have a 10 year old Muskin made 27' above ground pool and I can not find a replacement skimmer. I have gone to the local pool stores and was told that Muskin is no longer in business and they did not have an answer for me. I would like to know where I can find this part.

Hi Josh

Muskin was sold years ago and are just operating under a different name. The old style skimmer was dropped at the same time. Since Sears has sold Muskin pools for many years they are a possible avenue for parts.

Muskin used two sizes of skimmers. They had a standard size and a very large one. A standard size Hayward skimmer should fit the smaller opening. No one makes a replacement for the larger one, it is a very odd size.

If you were in the process of changing a liner, and had the larger skimmer, I would tape a large piece of flat stock over the opening on the inside of the wall. I would then cut a new opening for a standard size skimmer.

Sears Pool Parts

Comments for Sears/Muskin Pool Skimmer

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Jan 17, 2012
Muskin skimmer
by: ag_poolman

HI Josh, I was employed at Muskin Pools from 1973 thru 2000 after that they moved down Georgia for 5 years, then went to Canada. They stopped making the Deluxe skimmer knockout in the wall about 1990. You would know if you had one of those. The skimmer after that is a regular stardard skimmer. Hope that helps you.

Apr 06, 2012
by: Art

I have a 27FT 48in high above ground Muskin pool. I need a liner. However, someone told me to measure the wall from inside to inside which is 26ft 6 in. When I order a liner does it need to be the 27ft or the other size. I ordered a 27ft about 8 yrs ago and it was too big. I was told that Muskin did that so you needed to buy their liners. Please give me any info there is.


Hi Art

Are you sure it's a Muskin. There is another company that has a 27' pool slightly smaller than normal. Muskin has never done that. All of their sizes are very standard so a liner from anyplace would fit just fine.

Apr 07, 2012
by: Art

I bought the pool from Sears & it has a Muskin sticker on it. I am starting to think that when I ordered the liner 8yrs ago that when I questioned the company that I ordered it from might have just told me that or they had the wrong liner in the wrong box. Should the pool be 27ft from inside wall to inside wall or does the 27ft include the ledge. Thanks for the info.


Hi Art

I'm not exactly sure what your question is. A Sears pool would be a Muskin, and they should accept standard size liners. You may have gotten the wrong size liner.

When measuring a pool you measure from wall to wall in several locations. Not all pools are installed round. You then pick the size closest to your measurements, most of the time this will work just fine.

Another thing to keep in mind is that a 27' liner will be a different size from manufacturer to manufacturer, they will also change from year to year, there is very little consistency.

Jun 14, 2014
by: matt

My name is Matt and I have a problem. I have a MUSKIN series a2014 skimmer and I need a replacement. The internet has no leads and the product is obsolete, can any one help?

Sep 15, 2014
Muskin Pool Skimmer
by: Tim

I have a new Muskin pool skimmer, model A2015, and a used one. I bought the new one on e-bay a few years ago and was going to used it on my Muskin 27' round pool, but the pool wall is just to bad so I am removing the entire pool. I will have numerous used parts from the pool if someone is interested in them. The new skimmer is complete except for the internal basket. I used that with the when the old one fell apart. I live in Michigan and my e-Mail is if some is interested in buying the new skimmer or any of the used parts.

Mar 25, 2015
Muskin Parts
by: Glenn


We were an authorized sales and repair center for sears/muskin for years. We just went through our inventory and I found an entire isle full of filter parts, and various new skimmers in boxes. I am going to be selling them on ebay.

You can reach us at: bronsonspools dot com

Jul 31, 2021
Best Pool EVER!
by: A Muskin Pool Fan

Almost 30 years ago my husband and I bought our home. The first thing we did was add an above ground pool for the kids. We purchased an above ground pool from Sears. We bought the outside model for only a few hundred dollars. My husband and brother took it down and put it up on my property. As they were installing they made a hole in the liner, which they patched. This pool, along with the original patched liner lasted just shy of 30 years!!!!! The pool was originally purchased for my kids who were 7 and 4 at the time. They enjoyed many years. They went off to live their lives and that pool became my happy place. Then my happy place got happier when my grandchildren came and enjoyed it too! Our family is quite grateful to Muskin and quite sad to say that after almost 30 years our pool finally said good bye. Let me also say never did friends believe how old it was, it still looked just like the day we purchased it! Looking for a pool, buy muskin!!!

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