Sears/Muskin Pool Skimmer
by Josh
(Oak Brook IL)
I have a 10 year old Muskin made 27' above ground pool and I can not find a replacement skimmer. I have gone to the local pool stores and was told that Muskin is no longer in business and they did not have an answer for me. I would like to know where I can find this part.
Hi Josh
Muskin was sold years ago and are just operating under a different name. The old style skimmer was dropped at the same time. Since Sears has sold Muskin pools for many years they are a possible avenue for parts.
Muskin used two sizes of skimmers. They had a standard size and a very large one. A standard size Hayward skimmer should fit the smaller opening. No one makes a replacement for the larger one, it is a very odd size.
If you were in the process of changing a liner, and had the larger skimmer, I would tape a large piece of flat stock over the opening on the inside of the wall. I would then cut a new opening for a standard size skimmer.
Sears Pool Parts
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