by Sam
(Montreal, Canada)
Hung Liner
Please help me find out what type of liner my pool takes.
I live in Canada and I have an Oceania - Mistral: 24 feet by 52 inches high.
I would like to know does it take an overlap liner, beaded, or J hook?
I am uploading a scan of the user manual which reads vaguely to me.
Also, if it accepts J hook, will it accept an overlap?? And what is better?
Is uni-beaded same as J hook?
Many thanks for your help, Sam
Hi Sam.
The photo is showing a Hung Liner, which should be the same as a J-hook liner. Some uni-bead liners have this sort of bead also. A bead that fastens directly over the top of the wall, and does not need a bead receiver, like a beaded liner would.
Many pools that use the hung liners also have metal retaining rods that are attached over the liner bead. If you have metal retaining rods a change to an overlap liner is easy. You simply order an overlap liner and coping strips.
Once the liner is installed you put the coping strips over the liner and the metal rods over the coping strips.
Without the metal rods there is not much to hold the coping in place and it could come off over time.
Here are a few of our pages regarding liner installations.
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