Used Pool For Sale

by Steve
(warwick ny)

I have an above ground pool, 21' round with a DE filter, it's about 7 yrs old. What's the best case scenario as far as selling it?

Hi Steve

Your used pool for sale should go just fine if it is full of water and operational. Once they are dismantled they become a pile of parts and are worth a lot less money.

I would advertise the pool in your local newspapers and on Craigslist. This time of year is the perfect time to sell above ground pools. It's starting to warm up and people are thinking about outdoor fun for the summer.

A seven year old pool should still be in great shape, and if so, it should probably sell for 3-5 hundred dollars.

Most of the time the buyer is responsible for dismantling, and moving, the pool. It might be helpful to get quotes from local installers so your potential buyers know all their options.

Another thing I do when selling a used above ground pool is to order a new liner and have it there, still in the box. Used liners should never be reinstalled so being upfront about that, and having the new one, is a helpful thing to do.

The only other advice would be to have the pool as clean and inviting as possible when prospective buyers come to look at it.

Pool Liners at In The Swim

Move an Above Ground Pool

Comments for Used Pool For Sale

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Jun 26, 2014
by: Anonymous

Looking for used 18x33 ovel pool in the Tallahassee Fla. In good shape.

Jun 11, 2016
by: Teammommy@icloud

Looking to BUY a used pool atleast 52" ; the bigger the better...
In the Abilene/ Anson TX area Ty!!

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Used Pool For Sale

by Carolyn

Do you know of any stores that buy used pools? I have an 18 foot round pool with fencing and deck. Only 5 years old and in great condition.

Hi Carolyn

I don't know of any stores that buy used above ground pools. The best way I know of to sell one is to place ads in the local newspapers and on Craigslist. If you use the comments button and add all the pool information you can think of, and a photo or two, you will have your first online ad.

Pools sell better if they are full of water and in operation. If that's the case with yours you are better off selling it before you take it apart. People like to see that everything works and that you have all the parts. Most buyers will be willing to come and take the pool apart before moving it, that way they know they have all the parts and they have a good idea how thing go back together.

Having a new liner in a box is another nice plus when selling a pool. Used liners can seldom be reused and a new one can be purchased online fairly inexpensively.

18x33 above ground oval pool.

by: Anonymous

18 X 33 above ground oval pool being sold to anyone interested. Great condition all parts in great condition. Assembly Instructions included. In Virginia Beach. 757-430-2288. Call during the day please.

18 Round Pool


I am looking for an 18? above ground pool. Is this a recent posting?

Hi Stephanie. This was from last March, so probably not still available. This site gets a ton of visitors so maybe someone will see this and have just what you are looking for. In Arizona I know where there are nearly twenty used above ground pools waiting for new homes, and they even come with installation if you like. Knowing you location and contact info would be helpful.

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