Do you recommend using wall foam when installing a used pool?
Hi. Wall foam can be such a pain to install I prefer not to use it. It interferes with the coping and retaining rods that hold the liner in place, unless it is trimmed and left several inches below the top of the pool.
The only good reason I could see for using it is if you plan to heat the pool and want it for the insulation properties. Heating can be expensive and you will want every advantage you can get to prevent heat loss.
A used above ground pool sidewall will normally just need a good cleaning with a broom or a towel. If it has rust or little bumps on it a little sanding may be helpful. You could even touch up any bad areas with spray paint to prevent any further rust.
by Don Fernandes
(Norton MA)
Does it get clipped in with an overlap install, or cut it a little low?
Hi Don. This is a good question that has not been dealt with on this site. My installations have almost all been done in Arizona, so wall foam is not something I had to deal with very often. The few times I did, it was a pain.
My customers had installed the foam and had ignored my instructions to leave it several inches down from the top of the wall.
One customer measured the coping and was sure if he was just below it he would be fine. Installing that liner was the biggest pain, and took all the hands of myself, my helpers and the customer. There was no way to keep the coping over the liner long enough to get a retaining rod on it. There was a way, but it took forever, many hands, and more patients than I needed to raise four daughters.
The next time I saw this same situation, I shook my head and said "no way". That one got cut down to size and re-taped to the pool sidewall. With the foam down far enough on the wall the coping goes on just fine and does not need a dozen hands holding it in place until it can be secured.
There is no coping made, that I know of, that would go over top of the liner and the foam. If there was, your retaining rods would not fit over it.
You may find these liner installation pages useful as you get ready to install a new liner.
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