I have a 24 foot round swimming pool with a deck around it and I need to get a winter cover for it, how do I put the cover on?
You may be better off getting a cover made for an in ground pool. These covers would lay flat beyond your pool and onto your deck. You could then either weight it down with sand bags or possibly install hooks for it.
Unless you can pull the cover over the pool top rails, and down the outside, an above ground pool winter cover will probably not do you much good.
The companies that sell the pool covers also have a good selection of weights to hold the cover in place. Pumps are also available to drain the excess water off of them after a rain.
The photo below shows what seems to be a good idea for securing a winter cover to a deck on an above ground pool. Maybe something like this would work for you.
by Curt
(Rome, NY USA)
Is it necessary to put an inflatable under the cover of an above ground pool when winterizing?
I live in upstate New York so it does get pretty cold. Some people say you don't need it but I see many pool owners putting them in their pool. What do you think?
Thanks, Curt
Hi Curt
It is much easier to get the water off the cover when an air pillow is used. This is also true for leafs and other debris. It is not at all necessary, just a matter of personal preference. Many people feel it makes it easier to keep the top of the cover cleaned off. Without the pillows they could stay full of stagnate water and mildewing leafs.
There are also the claims that the pillow will attract the freezing water and by doing so will reduce the pressure on the pool walls caused by freezing water. This might be something to consider. A lot of above ground pools are damaged every year by freezing water.
You could also ask your friends if they use one. Ask at the pool stores also. Pick the brains of locals that go through the same winters as you.
We purchased a 24 x 52 Trevi 218 pool last August 2011. We were given a 24' winter cover, but due to the thickness/size of the ledges on the Trevi, that didn't fit. So we were given a 27' winter cover. This cover is entirely too big and we have tried everything to secure it.
The cover locks dont' work on the Trevi due to the size of the ledges. We purchased several water tubes and the wind blows those off. We then purchased winter wrap (twice) to secure the cover so it wasn't blowing and flapping in the wind. 4 days ago the cover finally had enough and now we have a large hole in it. We need a new cover as we aren't ready to open for the season (march 20).
Does Trevi make a winter cover that will fit this pool? If not, do they have any other solutions to make it fit more securely so that air/wind can't get underneath and blow it up like Jiffy Pop?
Thanks! Stephanie
Hi Stephanie
I don't know of a solution for you, but I am sure someone does. I hope they comment and help you out.
Comments for Trevi 218 Winter Cover
by Raschel
(Blaine, MN USA)
I was wondering what is better to go with on picking a pool cover because I don't know the difference between the Mil or gauge so I was wondering which would be better to go with the gauge or Mil?
I was also wondering what size air pillow to get a 4ftx8ft or 4ftx15ft. I have a 24ft round pool?
Thank you, Raschel
Hi Raschel
It's probably better to go with the mil because it's a more accurate measurement of thickness. For a 24' round pool the 15' pillow would probably be best.
Comments for Winter Pool Cover Questions
by Bill
(Salt Lake, Utah)
Last winter I bought an expensive winter cover, for my Doughboy oval pool 16' by 31'. For the winter I normally fill the pool to the top and cover the skimmer with a cover plate.
Last year the new cover sank down or got covered with almost 18 inches of water causing it to drain a lot of water off the top in the spring. I could not find any holes in the new cover when I took it off.
The winter cover was too big for the pool and I am wondering if buying clips for the winter cover would prevent this from happening again? Your thoughts are appreciated.
Hi Bill
This poster had some good ideas for securing a winter pool cover. It is the last comment on the page. These ideas might help. Keeping the cover tight is probably the best way to keep the water drained off it.
How to Keep Winter Cover on AGP
You might also consider the inflatable pillows or ball for under the cover. A small winter cover pump is handy also to keep the water from collecting on your pool.
This page covers some of the things you need to winterize your cover.
by Rich
(Mahopac,NY 10541)
I just installed an 18' x 33' above ground pool and put a Trex deck around the entire pool right up to the railing(not over it).
Some people are telling me I need to screw anchors into my deck and use a cover set up identical to an in ground pool.
Others tell me to use water bags? What do you suggest? What is the difference in price? The quality of water for next summer?
Thanks, Rich
Hi Rich
I think either method, bags or anchors, would work out fine for you. Anchors are probably more secure, and less expensive, but would involve more work, and you would have the anchors to look at all summer.
As far as the covers go, you will probably want one meant for an in ground pool so that it would lay flat on the deck and be easier to secure. Pay a little more for the cover and it will last longer with fewer problems.
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