I bought a 54 Inch beaded liner but I think it should have been a 52. My walls are 48 inches high but someone said to add for correct stretching. Can I use the liner? I hate to see the bill to ship it back.
I would not send it back, I would convert it to an overlap liner. You will need to order some coping strips to do this, but that will probably be a lot cheaper than sending the liner back and getting a new one.
If you do get a new one get a 48" one. A beaded liner should always be height of the sidewall. they are usually too big anyways, no sense in making matters worse.
I used to use 48" beaded liners in 52" walled pools just because they fit better.
When I encounter a beaded liner that appears too big, like a lot of them do, I pull it over the wall and it becomes an overlap. I will not install liners with wrinkles on the sides because the liner was too big.
Comments for Wrong Height Size Liner
by Roger
(Crawford County, PA)
We have mistakenly bought a 48 inch liner, and then found out that our wall height is 52 inches. Is it possible to compact four more inches of sand, and still use the new 48 inch liner, in a 27 foot round pool, with a beaded liner?
Would the water weight against the sand cove cause it to put too much stress against the base of the pool, and blow out the base? Do you have any suggestions, or should we purchase a new liner?
Hi Roger.
I would give it a try, even without adding any extra sand. Vinyl liners will easily stretch, especially when you put some hot sunshine on them.
Beaded liners tend to be on the large side anyway, I would much rather install one a little small and stretch it into place.
For a couple of years we were installing pools for a store that insisted on selling their pools with beaded liners. Since I much prefer overlap liners I was not very happy with this. The first few pools we installed all had baggy liners and I was even less happy about doing pools for them. We decided to try a 48" liner in their standard 52" pool. It fit perfectly so that is what we did for the next couple of years.
We were installing pools in Arizona where the temps can reach 115 during the summer. With that kind of heat a 48" liner would just melt into a 52" pool and fit perfectly.
So if the store will not exchange liners for you I would give it a try, you have nothing to loose and it just might be a perfect fit.
by Jerry
(Norwalk, Ohio)
Can I use a 28' pool liner in a 27' pool?
Hi Jerry.
Yes you can. If at all possible it is best that you don't, but it can be done. Since a 27' liner is a very common size it should be easy to find one.
The only reason for installing the wrong size liner is if you ordered one and opened the box before checking the label on it. Most companies will not allow you to return a liner once the box has been opened, unless the box was mislabeled. If the box was marked 27' and a 28' liner came out of it you should be able to return it.
To install an oversize liner I would stretch it into place like these pages show.
Above Ground Pool Liner Installation
When it comes time to tuck the liner under the rail, like this page.
You will need to bunch the liner up the entire way around the pool. This will cause small wrinkles on the sides of your pool but should not be too bad. The trick is to bunch the liner evenly, so the wrinkles are small and even all the way around, and not too big in any one spot.
Comments for 28' Pool Liner in a 27' Pool
by Anne Marie McDonald
Hello, I am in a sticky situation, I have a 10 foot round above ground pool, and I purchased a 12 foot liner, everyone I ask tells me it just won't work, are they correct, do you have any thoughts on this situation?
Hi Anne It might work but it sure won't look very good.
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