Ladder Question For Above Ground Pool

by Brad
(Harrisburg,IL,United States)

Last year we installed a used Doughboy above ground pool. We have an A frame ladder that slides up and locks to keep people out of the pool when you're not home. Due to the slope of the yard,the pool is sunk in the ground about a foot or so.

Last year I simply dug a hole and buried the outside of the ladder to make it the same level as the bottom of the pool. This year we had a concrete patio poured around the pool. Is there a ladder that is adjustable on one side to compensate for the height difference of the top of our concrete outside the pool and the the bottom inside the pool? If not,what do you suggest we do?

Surely,I'm not the only one that has had this issue but I am having a hard time finding answers. Thank you for your time.

Hi Brad

There are a lot of deck steps and wedding cake type steps available. They just go on the inside of the pool. Would it be possible to build a small wood deck just for getting in and out of the pool. A small deck area would work well with an inside step system.

Another idea would be to custom cut the ladder you have. With a perfect cut the outside could be attached to the concrete with a couple of L brackets, screws and Raul plugs.

You could move the ladder to just off the concrete area, mounted in the ground as before. A few patio pavers off the concrete would make platform in front of the ladder.

I'm sure there are other ways of doing it, there might even be an adjustable ladder, I just have not seen one.

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Heavy Duty Pool Ladder

I need an above ground pool ladder for a large person.


One way to accomplish this is to use one of the nice molded plastic steps for the inside of the pool. A small wood deck can then be used on the outside of the pool and be built as strong as you need it to be.

Another way is to buy one of the heavy duty ladders on the market today. The first link below shows one of these heavy duty pool ladders. If you click the In The Swim link, and find the ladders for above ground pools section, check out the entry system. This is about the beefiest ladder I know of and many of my large customers have purchased these and have been very happy.

I have also included a few links with different ladder and deck options for above ground pools.

Above Ground Pool Ladders

Above Ground Pool Steps

Wedding Cake Steps

Above Ground Pool Resin Deck

Above Ground Pool Decks

Above Ground Pool Deck

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Pool Ladder Wedge

by Janice Maloney
(Barnegat NJ USA)

Is there such a thing as a wedge to go under the above ground pool steps? Ever since we replaced the liner, and had the center of the pool dug deeper... now the pool steps slant in. any ideas???

Hi Janice

I have seen people use a 2 x 4 or a 4 x 4 piece of wood under their steps. The lumber is taped or tied to the underside of the last ladder rung and then wrapped in carpet. This seemed to work just fine without any problem.

I don't know of a ladder wedge for an above ground pool ladder. Something made of resin that would snap under the last rung would be great, just never seen it.

Many of the newer above ground pool ladders have adjustments for 48 inch and 52 inch walls. If you take a close look at it you may find where you can do some adjusting to the ladder to make it fit better.

Above Ground Pool Ladders

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