Muskin Above Ground Pool

by Erin

I have been looking for an above ground pool and I came across someone selling theirs. They bought it two years ago but decided that it was too much trouble to put up so they are selling it.

It has never been used and is still in the box with all manuals, pumps etc. I was wondering if you could tell me anything about the brand though. It is a Muskin brand oval pool 15x30x38. He is selling it for $250.00. I was hoping you could give me some advice because I can't find much info on the internet.

Thanks so much. Erin

Hi Erin.

You may have come across one of those rare finds. I snag those up quickly whenever I come across them. In the size I assume you mean 15' wide by 30' long by 48" high? If so, it is an excellent buy.

Muskin has been around almost as long as Doughboy, I was building them over thirty years ago. They have always been a decent quality pool. Many of their less expensive models have been sold by Sears and Penny's for years.

Muskin was going through a name change some years back and you may find more information about them under Ovation.

The value of the pool really depends on the model, whether it has four inch or six inch top rails, resin or steel and so on. Any way you look at it I'm sure it's a good deal. It might be a five year pool or a fifteen year pool but for 250 you will get your moneys worth out of it.

The size is common so finding liners for it would be easy. The only suggestion I would make is try to do a parts inventory. Replacement parts may be hard to find so make sure all the essential stuff is there. This applies mostly to the side bracing parts, there are tons of them and it might be worth your time to count them and compare your numbers with the instruction manual.

Comments for Muskin Above Ground Pool

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Apr 11, 2014
Muskin ledges and connectors
by: Anonymous

Hi there... I've been searching for replacement parts for my 15 x 30 above ground pool... I bought a house 9 years ago and the pool came with it... I don't know how old the pool is but it is still in good shape and I replaced the liner about 4 years ago... the "ledges" and "connectors" are broke in quite a few places and I am trying to replace them... it's not the rim part... just the flat part that goes on top of all of that... I've been online looking them... I'm going crazy having no luck... can anyone shed a little hope on me finding these?

Thanks for any help!

May 04, 2017
Needing to find replacement bottom rails for 24' round Muskin pool
by: Kasey

Hello! I recently found a great deal on a used swimming pool. Downside is that some of the bottom rails are rusted and we would like to replace them. We have searched and searched but have not been able to find replacement parts for Muskin pools. We found some rails that seemed right only they measure 55 3/4" length and the rails that came with the pool are 52 1/2". Any suggestions? Thank you!

Apr 27, 2018
OMG i have this pool
by: Mary

I have been looking for this pool online for months to obtain a manual on how to put this up!! I bought mine from a second hand store still in boxes brand new i paid $500 and i know i got a good deal!! Ive had an above ground pool all my life, this is by far the biggest and i am excited to get it up. But it didn't come with any paperwork. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP ME!!!! I look on line and all i get is PARTS and then see they changed the name and that my pool is discontinued. OK but how do i get iinstructiona??
my number is 707 386-2297 or email me at

Apr 27, 2018
by: Mary


Hi Mary

You might consider this page Pool Installation Support. I can walk you through every step of the installation.

Jun 25, 2021
Do we need to let go and move on?
by: Kathleen

We have a Key Biscayne pool that is about 55 years old and the wall just split. The pool has a catwalk all the way around and a wide deck on one side. We really would like to keep it. Do you know who made this pool and if a wall is even available? Thanks for your help!

Jul 16, 2021
Muskin Pool
by: Chris

$250? Buy it! I installed a Muskin pool 28 years ago and did a liner replacement 4 years ago. What a quality pool. I just installed a new pool and, I will tell you, the fit and finish is not there. Holes were not drilled, thin top and bottom tracks, top and bottom plates that don't snap into place,top rails had to be coaxed into place, screw holes that didn't align, it was an assembly nightmare. If this is how pools are built today, I'll take the old Muskin any old day. In these Covid times, I'm lucky to have found a pool to buy, I guess.

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Muskin Pool Warranty Problem

by LuAnna
(North Branford)

I bought a Muskin pool about 10 years ago. It has a 22 year warranty. I have all the paperwork, receipt, etc. I am trying to get in touch with Muskin.

I recently found out that they have been sold or taken over by another company, but I do not have the name of the company. Do you have the name, address, telephone number of this company? I know this is probably a long shot, they probably wont cover warranty but I would like to contact them anyway. Thank you.

Hi LuAnna.

I believe Muskin changed to Ovation. I'm not positive but I think that is the last name they were using. This page may help an Ovation dealer who could possibly answer your questions.

Ovation Pool Parts

Muskin pools were sold by Sears for many years. It might be possible to find more information from them. There is also a Muskin parts website that might be of some help.

If anyone else knows contact information for a Muskin Pool Warranty problem please let us know.

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May 22, 2020
by: Anonymous

Hi. I have a Muskin pool from 2003. How can l find out if it is made of resin, metal or a mix? I'm thinking of setting over to salt water.


It is probably all metal but it should be easy to tell the difference between metal top rails and resin. Some pools do use a combination of resin top rails and steel uprights. A true salt water pool will have resin rods over the coping. I am pretty sure your pool will have metal rods that will rust and fall apart if used with salt water, so check under the top rail.

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Installing a Used Oval Muskin pool

by Kris
(Minneapolis, MN)

We are interested in moving a used 18' x 35' Muskin pool from the 80's. It has a Perflex EC40 Hayward DE filter and a 1.5 hp Hayward pump, but no chlorine dispenser.

Is this a decent pool that is worth going through the effort of moving? Also, is the chlorine dispenser necessary? Would a saltwater pump be an option? Are they less expensive to operate?

Thanks for your input!


Hi Kris.

Muskin pools have always been known, to me anyway, as a pool that would rust away in less than ten years.

Be sure to inspect every part of the pool before you should consider moving, and re-installing it.

It is hard for me to imagine a Muskin pool, of that vintage, being worth the effort to move and set up again. You would need to be the judge of that, anything is possible.

I love the Perflex filter, used to have one.

I would not use the chlorine dispenser even if it had one, they can be more problems than they are worth. I prefer a floating chlorinator.

I have no idea what a salt water pump is but salt water systems seem to work just fine. They create better quality water and can save you a lot in cost of chlorine.

Comments for Installing a Used Oval Muskin pool

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Jun 26, 2021
Thanks for making a great product

I have a muskin pool I bought 1994. My grandchildren and my great grandchildren have enjoyed every summer for the last 27 years and it still works great also it still looks good. It a great pool company.

Nov 07, 2022
Many Happy Memories
by: Parma, Oh

We bought our Muskin pool in 2004 and enjoyed it every summer for 19 seasons. We still had the original liner but when it became apparent that we needed a new one we decided to take it down due to the fact that we are getting quite old. The pool was in perfect shape, no rust! Thank You for an excellent product!! We will miss it a lot!

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