Above Ground Pool Installation Instructions

by Linda

We have received a pool from a friend, they only put it up once, and lost the instructions on how to install or assemble a Sand Sun metal frame pool size 15ft x 4ft. Where can I get instructions on how to set up the pool?

Hi Linda. The links below should help to answer your questions. There are places on the web where you can download pretty generic installation instructions. Since most above ground pools are similar in construction these should work for you.

When installing your pool remember to make it perfectly level and perfectly round. Make use of some type of leveling device, like a laser level, and a tape measure. Not to much can go wrong when you do this.

I have many pages on this site dealing with filter set ups, skimmer installations, ground leveling and prep. Much has been written also about different types of liner pads to use, like foam or sand.

Feel free to come back and ask any question you may have as you get started with your pool installation.

Above Ground Pool Directions

Above Ground Swimming Pool Installation Tips

Above Ground Pool Liner Installation

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Directions for Round Above Ground Pool

by Gail Marcainte

I need directions on how to put up a 21' round above ground pool.

It is a used pool.

Hi Gail. I will list a few links that would be well worth your time to read through, they should help with installing your used pool. The first link is to a page listing a couple of sites that have generic type installation instructions, the rest are to pages showing different pools that I have installed.

Above Ground Pool Directions

Above Ground Swimming Pool Installation

Above Ground Pool Liner Installation

Expandable Liner Installation

Above Ground Oval Installation

round above ground pool

Make sure your above ground pool is perfectly round and perfectly level. That's a pretty good start.

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Doughboy Oval Installation Help

by Tim
(Kalama, WA)

I am having a very hard time finding a manual to set up my 18'X38' Doughboy. Can anyone help me please??


Hi Tim. I answered this as a comment on another page but it is worth doing here also. Doughboy-pools.com has PDF instructions for all of their different models.

The Doughboy oval pools are some of the best built pools made, they are also some of the hardest to install. Installing the Doughboy side brace assemblies is what makes it harder than other brands. Take your time and be very precise in your measuring and be sure to use some type of transit to help you level. There is no room for shortcuts or sloppy work with this type of pool.

Below are some pages that might help.

Oval Installation

The page shows a different type of brace system but the overall steps are the same. The next page shows the type of buttress you probably have and how it is installed.

Above Ground Pool Directions

This page shows a Doughboy pool getting a new liner installed.

Expandable Liner Installation

Blue Glacier Doughboy Above Ground Pool

While in some ways the Doughboy oval pools can be difficult to install Doughboy pools in general are some of the easiest. This is because they are so consistent. Everything fits the way it is supposed to, every time. Be sure to install the pool frame before installing the liner. This allows you to make sure the pool is perfect in every way. It also allows you to install a perfect, wrinkle free liner.

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Jun 17, 2014
help with lomart 15x30 top rails
by: Anonymous

Can't figure out the hole sequence to install the top rails on a Lomart 15x30 pool.. the instructions provided makes no sense to me.. the hole have different letters than the instructions.. any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi I know what you mean, how they could take something so simple and make it so complicated I will never know. I use trial and error. Putting several rails in a row in place, keeping the distance between them uniform, and keeping all the support posts straight up and down, sooner or later reveals a usable pattern.

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