Atlantis Above Ground Pool Parts

by Shona

I need to find 2 top connectors for my Atlantis above ground pool.

Hi Shona.

Here is a little back ground information about your pool that may help locate a store near you selling parts.

Atlantis pool

Atlantis is part of the Cantar line of pools. Cantar above ground pools are made by Atlantic. Atlantic is owned by Wilbar International, who also owns Sharkline, Seaspray, Aqua Leader, Vogue and Artesian.

You could google Cantar + your state, or Atlantis + your state, or even Atlantic + your state to try to find a dealer near you. Once you find a retailer they should have a catalog that you can order parts from.

For more information about finding above ground pool parts see these pages.

Parts For Above Ground Pools

Above Ground Pool Parts

Comments for Atlantis Above Ground Pool Parts

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May 15, 2013
Atlantic Pools worst on customer service
by: Wayne in Texas

Spent two weeks calling Canada, good luck with any response..more voice mails than I care to count. Talked to the company they sent me to the supposed buyer..No Luck. Got referred to two companies who both said we don't sell Atlantic parts....If you find anyone that sells parts e-mai me

May 02, 2014
Atlantic Pool Parts
by: Dee in Texas

I gave up on trying to find pool parts for my Atlantic pool and bought a new one. I have a few parts that I am willing to sell.

Email me to let me know what parts you are looking for.

Apr 20, 2017
top cap for a j1000 atlantic
by: bill

If any can help to find a top cap for a j1000 or anything close please let me know thank yo

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Top Track For Atlantis Pool

We have an Atlantis above ground oval pool 18 x 33 x 52".

We need to renew the top track that goes all round the top of the pool walls to support. It is metal and goes under the flat top rail. These were thrown away during construction of new liner by mistake. Hope someone can help,thank you.

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Comments for Atlantis 24' Pool Top Plates

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May 02, 2014
Top Plates
by: Dee

Are you still looking for top plates? I have 16 of them.

May 05, 2014
Needing parts
by: Anonymous

I'm needing the bottom metal railing with the base plates. Also need one top connector. Can anyone help please? Email me at .. Thank you.

Atlantis Gray Wall

24 foot round 52 inches tall

May 07, 2014
Found parts
by: Anonymous

I went to and sent an email .. they sent me a parts list with prices ... so much cheaper than the quote that I got from .. best of luck.

May 01, 2016
Atlantic above ground pool 18 round by 54 deep need top rails ( 12 )
by: Jerry Visintin


Please help. I need 12 top rails for my above ground pool 18 x 54 round Atlantic pool. If you know where I can get these please email me at

Jun 04, 2020
48" uprights for Atlantis pool
by: Antonio Perez

Hi. I'm looking for a 48" uprights for an Antlantis Pool model. The size of my pool is 18' x 48". If you know where can I buy please tell me at: Also I looking for an 25 gauge liner for them. The only thing is that I need that it can be sent to Puerto Rico by Fed Ex, UPS, USPS or other shipping Thanks.

Jun 16, 2020
Pool parts
by: Carmen

Looking for bottom rails for 24"above ground pool

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